17 research outputs found

    A distributed camera system for multi-resolution surveillance

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    We describe an architecture for a multi-camera, multi-resolution surveillance system. The aim is to support a set of distributed static and pan-tilt-zoom (PTZ) cameras and visual tracking algorithms, together with a central supervisor unit. Each camera (and possibly pan-tilt device) has a dedicated process and processor. Asynchronous interprocess communications and archiving of data are achieved in a simple and effective way via a central repository, implemented using an SQL database. Visual tracking data from static views are stored dynamically into tables in the database via client calls to the SQL server. A supervisor process running on the SQL server determines if active zoom cameras should be dispatched to observe a particular target, and this message is effected via writing demands into another database table. We show results from a real implementation of the system comprising one static camera overviewing the environment under consideration and a PTZ camera operating under closed-loop velocity control, which uses a fast and robust level-set-based region tracker. Experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach and its feasibility to multi-camera systems for intelligent surveillance

    Cognitive visual tracking and camera control

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    Cognitive visual tracking is the process of observing and understanding the behaviour of a moving person. This paper presents an efficient solution to extract, in real-time, high-level information from an observed scene, and generate the most appropriate commands for a set of pan-tilt-zoom (PTZ) cameras in a surveillance scenario. Such a high-level feedback control loop, which is the main novelty of our work, will serve to reduce uncertainties in the observed scene and to maximize the amount of information extracted from it. It is implemented with a distributed camera system using SQL tables as virtual communication channels, and Situation Graph Trees for knowledge representation, inference and high-level camera control. A set of experiments in a surveillance scenario show the effectiveness of our approach and its potential for real applications of cognitive vision

    Active visual scene exploration

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    This thesis addresses information theoretic methods for control of one or several active cameras in the context of visual surveillance. This approach has two advantages. Firstly, any system dealing with real inputs must take into account noise in the measurements and the underlying system model. Secondly, the control of cameras in surveillance often has different, potentially conflicting objectives.Information theoretic metrics not only yield a way to assess the uncertainty in the current state estimate, they also provide means to choose the observation parameters that optimally reduce this uncertainty. The latter property allows comparison of sensing actions with respect to different objectives. This allows specification of a preference for objectives, where the generated control will fulfil these desired objectives accordingly.The thesis provides arguments for the utility of information theoretic approaches to control visual surveillance systems, by addressing the following objectives in particular: Firstly, how to choose a zoom setting of a single camera to optimally track a single target with a Kalman filter. Here emphasis is put on an arbitration between loss of track due to noise in the observation process, and information gain due to higher accuracy after successful observation. The resulting method adds a running average of the Kalman filterā€™s innovation to the observation noise, which not only ameliorates tracking performance in the case of unexpected target motions, but also provides a higher maximum zoom setting.The second major contribution of this thesis is a term that addresses exploration of the supervised area in an information theoretic manner. The reasoning behind this term is to model the appearance of new targets in the supervised environment, and use this as prior uncertainty about the occupancy of areas currently not under observation. Furthermore, this term uses the performance of an object detection method to gauge the information that observations of a single location can yield. Additionally, this thesis shows experimentally that a preference for control objectives can be set using a single scalar value. This linearly combines the objective functions of the two conflicting objectives of detection and exploration, and results in the desired control behaviour.The third contribution is an objective function that addresses classification methods. The thesis shows in detail how the information can be derived that can be gained from the classification of a single target, under consideration of its gaze direction. Quantitative and qualitative validation show the increase in performance when compared to standard methods.</p

    Cooperative Surveillance of Multiple Targets using Mutual Information

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    Abstract This work presents a method to control multiple, but diverse pan-tilt-zoom cameras which are sharing overlapping views of the same spatial location for the purpose of observation of this scene. We cast this control input selection problem in an information-theoretic framework, where we maximise the expected mutual information gain in the scene model with respect to the observation parameters. The scene model yielding this information comprises several dynamic targets, augmented by one which has not yet been detected. The information content of the former is supplied directly by the uncertainties computed using a Sequential Kalman Filter tracker for the observed targets, while the undetected is modelled using a Poisson process for every element of a common ground plane. Together these yield an informationtheoretic utility for each parameter setting for each camera, triggering collaborative explorative behaviour of the system. Overall this yields a framework in which heterogeneous active camera types can be integrated cleanly and consistently, obviating the need for a wide-angle supervisor camera or other artificial restrictions on the camera parameter settings.

    Information-theoretic active scene exploration

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    Studies support the need for high resolution imagery to identify persons in surveillance videos[13]. However, the use of telephoto lenses sacrifices a wider field of view and thereby increases the uncertainty of other, possibly more interesting events in the scene. Using zoom lenses offers the possibility of enjoying the benefits of both wide field of view and high resolution, but not simultaneously. We approach this problem of balancing these finite imaging resources ā€“ or of exploration vs exploitation ā€“ using an informationtheoretic approach. We argue that the camera parameters ā€“ pan, tilt and zoom ā€“ should be set to maximise information gain, or equivalently minimising conditional entropy of the scene model, comprised of multiple targets and a yet unobserved one. The information content of the former is supplied directly by the uncertainties computed using a Kalman Filter tracker, while the latter is modelled using a ā€background ā€ Poisson process whose parameters are learned from extended scene observations; together these yield an entropy for the scene. We support our argument with quantitative and qualitative analyses in simulated and real-world environments, demonstrating that this approach yields sensible exploration behaviours in which the camera alternates between obtaining close-up views of the targets while paying attention to the background, especially to areas of known high activity. 1